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If someone asked you what you do at Restaurant Equipment World, what would you say?

I provide assistance to military and government facilities in their efforts to obtain high quality restaurant equipment to accommodate their fellow service members.

What is special about Restaurant Equipment World?

It's a family environment that takes goes beyond simply supplying commercial restaurant equipment. We also provide the excellent customer service beyond the sale that most companies lack.

What is the coolest item you shipped overseas?

A commercial freezer of course!

What is the coolest place you've visited?

Oaxaca, Mexico....the best mole I have ever tasted.

If you could visit or live in any place in the world, where would it be?

I would love to visit Ireland.

Which kitchen equipment supply are you?

I am a mixer. I take different elements and bring them together to make cohesive, homogenous vision.

What is your Zodiac sign?


Favorite hobby?

Taking my daughter Leia on Daddy-Daughter Dates.

Favorite shape?

The triangle. It is the strongest naturally occuring shape.

Favorite superhero?

Dex-Starr of the Red Lantern Corp

If you could go back in live in any decade, which one would it be?

I'd just go back to the 90's. I loved them.

Pick one celebrity to sit next to in a plane

Justin Timberlake....don't judge!

You're stuck on an island. You have endless supply of only one food. What is it?

Chilaquiles verde con pollo - a Mexican cassarole


USA Headquarters
2413 N Forsyth Road Orlando FL, 32807
Toll-free: (800) 821-9153