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Floor Model Charbroilers

Robust and powerful charbroilers designed for high-volume cooking. Perfect for commercial kitchens.

Comstock Castle(3)
Garland / US Range(6)
Imperial Range(6)
Jade Range Beech Ovens(10)
Montague Company(24)
$ 5,000 - $ 9,311(28)
$ 9,311 - $ 13,500(27)
$ 13,500 - $ 30,000(29)
(1) cabinet(2)
cabint w/over fired broiler drawer(12)
modular (countertop) no base(7)
open cabinet(10)
open stand(10)
standard oven(1)
1 convection oven(3)
1 convection oven, 1 cabinet(1)
1 standard oven(2)
1 standard oven, 1 cabinet(1)
2 standard ovens(1)
stainless steel(32)
stainless steel front(24)
stainless steel front and sides(19)
11 - 24"(1)
ceramic briquettes(23)
radiants, cast iron(22)
radiants, stainless steel(23)
adjustable tilt round rod(10)
flat or tilt, cast iron(46)
tilting cast iron grid(12)
Search Results: 84 Products

Southbend P48A-CCCC Range, 48
Southbend P48A-CCCC Range, 48" Heavy Duty, Gas

Platinum Heavy Duty Range, gas, 48", charbroiler, cast iron grates, (1) convection oven, (1) 12" cabinet right, includes (3) racks, stainless steel radiants, front, sides, rear, exterior bottom & 6" adjustable legs, 173,000 BTU, CSA, NSF (Note: Qualifies for Southbend's Service First Program, see Service First document for details)

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Southbend P48C-CCCC Range, 48
Southbend P48C-CCCC Range, 48" Heavy Duty, Gas

Platinum Heavy Duty Range, gas, 48", charbroiler, cast iron grates, manual controls, (2) cabinets, stainless steel radiants, front, sides, rear, exterior bottom & 6" adjustable legs, 128,000 BTU, CSA, NSF (Note: Qualifies for Southbend's Service First Program, see Service First document for details)

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Southbend P48D-CCCC Range, 48
Southbend P48D-CCCC Range, 48" Heavy Duty, Gas

Platinum Heavy Duty Range, gas, 48", charbroiler cast iron grates, manual controls, standing pilot, (1) standard oven, (1) 12" cabinet, includes (2) racks, stainless steel radiants, front, sides, rear, exterior bottom & 6" adjustable legs, 173,000 BTU, CSA, NSF (Note: Qualifies for Southbend's Service First Program, see Service First document for details)

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Southbend P48N-CCCC Range, 48
Southbend P48N-CCCC Range, 48" Heavy Duty, Gas

Platinum Heavy Duty Range, gas, 48", modular, charbroiler cast iron grates, stainless steel radiants, manual controls, stainless steel front & sides, 128,000 BTU, CSA, NSF (Note: Qualifies for Southbend's Service First Program, see Service First document for details)

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Vulcan-Hart VCBB18 Range, 18
Vulcan-Hart VCBB18 Range, 18" Heavy Duty, Gas

V Series Heavy Duty Range, gas, 18", modular, charbroiler, cast iron grates, char-radiants, individual pilots & controls, burner dividers, stainless steel front, front top ledge, side, base, burner box & stub back, 4" flanged feet, 49,000 BTU, CSA, NSF

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Vulcan-Hart VCBB18B Range, 18
Vulcan-Hart VCBB18B Range, 18" Heavy Duty, Gas

V Series Heavy Duty Range, gas, 18", charbroiler, cast iron grates and char-radiants, storage base with cabinet door, stainless steel front, front top ledge, side, base, burner box & stub back, 49,000 BTU, CSA, NSF (supplied with side splashes and removable backsplash)

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Vulcan-Hart VCBB24 Range, 24
Vulcan-Hart VCBB24 Range, 24" Heavy Duty, Gas

V Series Heavy Duty Range, gas, 24", modular, charbroiler, cast iron grates and char-radiants, stainless steel front, front top ledge, side, base, burner box & stub back, 4" flanged feet, 65,000 BTU, CSA, NSF

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Vulcan-Hart VCBB24B Range, 24
Vulcan-Hart VCBB24B Range, 24" Heavy Duty, Gas

V Series Heavy Duty Range, gas, 24", charbroiler, cast iron grates and char-radiants, storage base, cabinet doors, stainless steel front, front top ledge, side, base, burner box & stub back, 6" adjustable legs, 65,000 BTU, CSA, NSF

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Vulcan-Hart VCBB36 Range, 36
Vulcan-Hart VCBB36 Range, 36" Heavy Duty, Gas

V Series Heavy Duty Range, gas, 36", modular, charbroiler, cast iron grates & radiants, stainless steel front, front top ledge, side, base, burner box & stub back, 4" flanged feet, 99,000 BTU, CSA, NSF

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Vulcan-Hart VCBB36B Range, 36
Vulcan-Hart VCBB36B Range, 36" Heavy Duty, Gas

V Series Heavy Duty Range, gas, 36", charbroiler, cast iron grates & radiants, cabinet base, stainless steel front, front top ledge, side, base, burner box & stub back, 6" adjustable legs, 99,000 BTU, CSA, NSF

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Vulcan-Hart VCBB36C Range, 36
Vulcan-Hart VCBB36C Range, 36" Heavy Duty, Gas

V Series Heavy Duty Range, gas, 36", charbroiler, cast iron grates & radiants, convection oven, stainless steel front, front top ledge, side, base, burner box & stub back, 6" adjustable legs, 131,000 BTU, CSA, NSF

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Vulcan-Hart VCBB36S Range, 36
Vulcan-Hart VCBB36S Range, 36" Heavy Duty, Gas

V Series Heavy Duty Range, gas, 36", charbroiler, cast iron grates & radiants, standard oven, stainless steel front, front top ledge, side, base, burner box & stub back, 6" adjustable legs, 149,000 BTU, CSA, NSF

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