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Copyright Notice from Restaurant Equipment World, Inc. (Pierce Sales Co., Inc.)

Patent on E-Commerce Business Model

Plain-language Notice:   Before explaining our formal, "legal" copyright notice we wanted to explain our position in plain-language for ease of understanding.  Basically, we ask that you do not take any part of our site and use it for your own purposes.  This does not however mean that customers can not search our catalog and take pricing or pictures when making a buying decision.  It means that if you decide to take any part of our site including but not limited to our meta-tags, phrases, or images and put them on your own site or other media in an effort to gain from the use of those items, it will not be tolerated.  We regularly conduct internet searches and examine other sites for stolen content from our site.  And yes, we have come across violations before and we have pursued the individuals and companies responsible.  We simply ask that if you want to take something from any of our sites that you please contact us first and ask for specific written permission to do so.  Members of the media / press may however take images, phrases, or other wording for articles and stories specifically related to our company and our online operations.  These items may be printed but we ask that you simply give us the courtesy of a phone call to let us know that you are doing a story.  To sum it up, if you take and use contents of our web site without our permission, we will prosecute by filing BOTH criminal and civil litigation against you and your company.  With that said and done, here's the more formal, legal version of our copyright notice.

Important Legal Notice:   You will face civil legal action against you and / or your company by breaching these copyright terms.  This copyright notice is for all pages contained within our main internet sites, and  This copyright notice also covers all other sites owned by Restaurant Equipment World, Inc. or Pierce Sales Co., Inc.  Many of these other sites can be found at  Provisions of this copyright notice:  Use of the term "this corporation" in this document refers to Restaurant Equipment World, Inc. and Pierce Sales Co., Inc.  All information contained within these pages including but not limited to graphics, photos,  logos, formats, databases, scripts, procedures, meta-tags, meta-names, forms, concepts,  catalogs, databases, and layouts is copyrighted material and may not be copied, reproduced, edited, or manipulated without the express written permission from this corporation.   The Pierce Sales Co., Inc. / Restaurant Equipment World, Inc. "Florida World" logo contained within these pages and each individual site owned by this corporation is trademarked and may not be copied, reproduced, edited, or manipulated without the express written permission of this corporation.  "REX - The Restaurant Equipment Search Engine" (actual search engine and order processing system software), the name, use of the name, or references to the name REX or "Restaurant Equipment Search Engine" in relation to Restaurant Equipment or in relation to any search engine on the internet or other medium is property of  this corporation.  Restaurant Equipment World, Inc. and Pierce Sales Co., Inc. claim any and all present and future rights on any networks foreign or domestic of any type including but not limited to .COM, .NET, and .ORG.  The use of the word "world" in relation with any type of activity or site relating to the restaurant equipment, restaurant, or foodservice industry is also claimed under this copyright notice.  The "World Network of Restaurant Equipment Sites" or "World Network" in relation to any type of activity relating to the restaurant business as a whole including but not limited to the restaurant equipment or foodservice business is also claimed by this corporation.   Notice is given that patents have been filed for each site owned by this corporation and patent infringements will not be tolerated.  This legal notice additionally declares first rights and use of the concept of the hub and spoke system for restaurant equipment sales on the internet.  This hub and spoke system consists of having one central restaurant equipment site linked to many other product specific sites thereby forming a collaboration of restaurant equipment sites all with one central hub location.  This hub location processes orders and acts as a center stage between each of the other sites.  This concept is claimed by this corporation and will be upheld with a federal trademark patent.  If any part of this agreement is found to be invalid in court, the rest of this agreement shall remain intact.  ANY INFRINGEMENTS TO INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OR CONCEPTS OWNED BY RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT WORLD, INC. OR PIERCE SALES CO., INC. INCLUDING BY NOT LIMITED TO THOSE ITEMS LISTED IN THIS LEGAL NOTICE DOCUMENT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND LEGAL ACTION WILL BE TAKEN TO ENSURE THAT OUR PROPERTY, IDEAS, AND CONCEPTS ARE PROTECTED.

Other logos or service marks of organizations besides our own which are shown on pages of our web sites including but not limited to FedEx, UPS, Pride Marketing & Procurement, and Food Equipment Distributors   Association (FEDA) are all property of their respected companies.  We claim absolutely no right to their property or intellectual material.  Please contact those companies for their individual copyright notices.

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